Hafidh Sponsorship

Hafidh Sponsorship

كَلِمَةُ اللّهِ هِيَ الْعُلْيَا وَاللّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيم…

…the Word of God is the highest. For God is Almighty, Wise.

God has conferred a great favor upon each and every one of us by granting us the ability and potential to memorize this amazing miraculous scripture, The Qur’aan. God gifted us with this prestigious privilege, which was not given to previous believing nations before us.

“That (this) is indeed an honorable recital (the Noble Qur’an). In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz), which none can touch but the purified (i.e. the angels)”

[al-Waaqi‘ah 56:77-80]

Anyone with an open sincere heart and a sound mind can recite the inspiring words of The Creator. Reflecting on this point gives many goosebumps knowing that each and every letter uttered is directly from The Omnipotent.

When understanding the supreme nature of this recitation, The Qur’aan, you’ll not desire to forgo its recitation, nor for anyone to miss out on its experience. BMF seeks to support this beautiful tradition by sponsoring poor students across the world to memorize the wondrous recitation of the Qur’aan.

Sponsoring a Hifdh student is one of the best forms of sadaqah al jaariyah [on going charity] in this life. By sponsoring a Hifdh student to memorize and recite Gods blessed words, you could reap from the reward of their efforts for having been a means to their success, God willing. BMF currently has a two-year Hifdh program followed by a one-year program dedicated to revision and supplementary qira’aat studies in which 190 students are in memorizing Qur’aan. The cost of this initiative is 0.50 cents a day per student leading the annual costs to be $34,675.

As the student whom you sponsored grows and teaches this recitation and his/her students teach what they were taught of the recitation, you’ll continue to reap from their reward for however long that initial seed continues to grow. It could grow for a few years or for generations, subhan Allah! Sponsor a student today to help make their dream a reality, God Willing.

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Total donation: $150

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