Burkina Faso Relief

Burkina Faso is a small sub-Saharan African country with a population of 18 million. Often described as one of the world’s poorest countries, the most recent reports estimate that roughly 60 percent of Burkinabè live below the poverty line.

Poverty, at its most extreme form, is destitution. It’s trying to survive without even the most basic of needs, like food, water or shelter. For Burkina Faso that’s the reality for more than half of the population.

Be A Mercy Foundation is playing a major a role in solving this problem. To help Burkina Faso in this time of crisis, you can give a donation that will make an immediate impact and change. Please click here to donate.

Your donation will help in three critical areas where extra support is needed right now:


Waterborne diseases are a serious threat to children living in Burkina Faso. To make matters worse, drawing water is often a long and difficult process that interferes with a child’s ability to attend school. Your donation will provide children with access to borehole wells, water tanks, filtration systems, latrines and hygiene training in order to help them thrive.


Malaria, meningitis and HIV/AIDS are critical health crises affecting children in Burkina Faso. To add to that, many children living in poverty are vulnerable to abuse. Your donation will help protect children, provide vaccines and work to eradicate these diseases.


More education typically leads to more opportunity, and more opportunity gives children greater hope for a future free from poverty. But in Burkina Faso, funds are short. And that means so many children never receive vocational training, continued education support, or even help buying textbooks or school supplies. Your donation will give children the opportunity to further their education and reach their God-given potential.