Mercy Village

Help us build Mercy village

Be a Mercy Foundation has been given zonal approval to build a village for Rohingya Refugees which will be called “Mercy Village”. This territory will serve as the foundation for the displaced community of Rohingya Muslims. A variety of services will be established, each with its own funding pool.


Donate to the following establishments slated to be built:


120 of 250 homes funded

Community Masjid

$8000 of $8000 raised

Village School

$20000 of $20000 raised

Medical Clinic

$0 of $8000 raised

Soup Kitchen/Market

$0 of $8000 raised

Public Toilets and Showers (20 total)

$0 of $10000 raised

Water Wells

0 of 20 funded

Please provide the following information for your donation:

First Name: Last Name:

Email Address:

Credit Card Number:

Credit Card Expiration: /

CVV2 Code:

I would like to donate:

$ schools.

I would like to fund:


Our Generous Donors